MissVVsMystery DVE Reports

Website: https://www.missvvsmystery.com/
Vulnerability disclosure address: NONE
Status: Supporter, working on partnership
- Date Posted:4/2/2017
- Type of Vulnerability: SSL/TLS implementation on api.missvvsmystery.com is insufficient
- Products affected: Miss-On-The-Go app for Android and iOS v1.0 and earlier
- Found and reported by: RenderMan
- Date Reported: 1/23/2017
- Description: The SSL/TLS implementation on api.missvvsmystery.com which is the back end for both android and iOS apps receives an 'F' rating on ssllabs.com and suffers from several known vulnerabilities
- Remediation: The SSL/TLS implementation on api.missvvsmystery.com was upgraded and improved and now receives an 'A' rating on ssllabs.com